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Modern Digital Retailing for You

PrecisePrice by DealerSocket is a modern digital retailing solution, with advantages that your dealership can start leveraging to elevate your online presence and sell more cars.
Watch a 22-minute webinar to learn more about PrecisePrice digital retailing.
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Customer Convenience For the Win

  • Shoppers can research from your website and select a vehicle in which to build a deal that includes accurate rates, fees, taxes and F&I products.


Test Drive Outside the Dealership

  • Shoppers can request a test drive at any location, and dealers can set location and pricing thresholds.


Native DealerSocket CRM™ Integration

  • All payments and appointments are automatically synced with DealerSocket CRM sales opportunities and appointment scheduling.

PrecisePrice by DealerSocket

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Digital Retailing for Hyundai Dealers

PrecisePrice by DealerSocket is a modern digital retailing solution, with advantages that your Hyundai dealership can start leveraging to elevate your online presence and sell more cars.
Watch a 40-minute webinar to learn more about PrecisePrice digital retailing.
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Customer Convenience For the Win

  • Shoppers can research from your website and select a vehicle in which to build a deal that includes accurate rates, fees, taxes and F&I products.


Test Drive Outside the Dealership

  • Shoppers can request a test drive at any location, and dealers can set location and pricing thresholds.


Native DealerSocket CRM™ Integration

  • All payments and appointments are automatically synced with DealerSocket CRM sales opportunities and appointment scheduling.

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Digital Retailing for Lexus Dealers

PrecisePrice by DealerSocket is a modern digital retailing solution, with advantages that your Lexus dealership can start leveraging to elevate your online presence and sell more cars.
Watch a 32-minute webinar to learn more about PrecisePrice digital retailing.
View Webinar

Customer Convenience For the Win

  • Shoppers can research from your website and select a vehicle in which to build a deal that includes accurate rates, fees, taxes and F&I products.


Test Drive Outside the Dealership

  • Shoppers can request a test drive at any location, and dealers can set location and pricing thresholds.


Native DealerSocket CRM™ Integration

  • All payments and appointments are automatically synced with DealerSocket CRM sales opportunities and appointment scheduling.

PrecisePrice by DealerSocket

We continue to think about all of you, our customers and partners, during this difficult time. This pandemic has caused deep challenges across our industry and for all of us, and I hope you know that DealerSocket continues to be here for our dealers. Our goal has been to strike the right balance between being prepared for our dealers and the market when our industry recovers and offering discounts to help our dealers as much as possible during this difficult time. 

We will get through this, and we will get through this together. We are committed to fighting through this with you. We are beginning to see the first signs of positive trends as we climb out of the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this has us all hopeful for the future.

In April, we heavily discounted our software for our dealers. In addition to our discounts in April, we have decided to offer the following DealerSocket billing reductions for May for all of our dealers:

We have already sent out our May invoices, so next week you will receive a credit memo for the above discounts. With that said, similar to our discount package last month, there are some basic qualifying terms listed below.

In addition to these discounts in April and May, DealerSocket continues to offer our customers several promotions and free months of certain software products to help you navigate this crisis. Our offers include promotions for:

Since we are adding promotions and various resources for dealers often, please view DealerSocket’s latest information by clicking here, and, as always, please feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Manager with any questions or if we can help in any way:

If you are not yet an Auto/Mate DMS customer, I hope you know that we can reduce your DMS bill significantly during these challenging times as well as into the future by switching to Auto/Mate DMS. We have several bundled packages that include our Auto/Mate DMS product combined with other DealerSocket products to support you.

Thank you for partnering with DealerSocket. I hope you know how much we value and appreciate your loyalty, partnership, and your business.

I wish you, your families, and your team members health in these unprecedented times.

Sejal Pietrzak
CEO and President
[email protected]


Details regarding our COVID-19 relief package:

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Digital Retailing for Toyota Dealers

PrecisePrice by DealerSocket is a modern digital retailing solution, with advantages that your Toyota dealership can start leveraging to elevate your online presence and sell more cars.
Watch a 34-minute webinar to learn more about PrecisePrice digital retailing.
View Webinar

Customer Convenience For the Win

  • Shoppers can research from your website and select a vehicle in which to build a deal that includes accurate rates, fees, taxes and F&I products.


Test Drive Outside the Dealership

  • Shoppers can request a test drive at any location, and dealers can set location and pricing thresholds.


Native DealerSocket CRM™ Integration

  • All payments and appointments are automatically synced with DealerSocket CRM sales opportunities and appointment scheduling.

PrecisePrice by DealerSocket

The car business isn’t the only industry operating outside its comfort zone. That’s why it’s OK that the industry’s at test-drive deliveries and service pickups and drop-offs.

By Gregory Arroyo

Over a two-and-a-half-day period to open the last week of March, the percentage of consumers who said they shopped and purchased online increased from 30% to 47%. However, “things haven’t been easy breezy” for those digital consumers.

According to the article I came across, more than 30% of those shoppers reported an issue with their purchase. They either couldn’t place an order (16%) or had to wait days for their order to be ready (17%).

The data, sourced from CivicScience and its survey-reporting platform, was published in Food Logistics, a magazine for the global food and beverage industries.

Yeah, we’re not the only retail segment operating outside of our comfort zone due to COVID-19. For supermarkets and their customers, that means a few speedbumps on that road to the sale.

For example, what if the brand of product a customer ordered is out of stock? Do you notify the customer of your dilemma, or do you make an executive decision and grab the more expensive brand and eliminate a few items from the customer’s order to make up the difference?

I’m guessing those were the questions swimming through the mind of my in-store shopper during my wife and I’s first online grocery-ordering experience. And he made an executive decision on at least two occasions.

Instead of the two gallons of milk we ordered (Hey, I have a growing boy), we got a gallon of the more expensive brand.

We also didn’t get the 16-pack of fruit roll-ups I wanted. Instead, we got a box of six.

And instead of the two packets of Tollhouse cookie dough I wanted, we got one pack of Simple Truth’s plant-based product.

Understanding the moment, we didn’t get mad, but we did have questions. Unfortunately, our shopper appeared, loaded our groceries, handed us our receipt, and disappeared without saying a word.

That’s the real reason the Food Logistics article caught my eye. The stats it contained reflected my experience. My order took a few days longer to get than initially promised, and the online experience was problematic.

So, yeah, I think a lot of industries are figuring it out, discovering potential speedbumps, and making adjustments along the way. That’s why it’s OK that, when it comes to digital retailing, we’re still at at-home test-drives, and service pickups and drop-offs.

But let’s not be in this situation again.

That was my takeaway after a recent discussion with Darren Militscher, a Dealersocket Strategic Growth Manager operating in the Northeast. He believes COVID-19 moved up our digital timeline by 18 to 24 months.

I believe there are two things in play right now — learning to operate outside of our comfort zone being one of them. The other is equally important to our digital future. And it has to do with the research I wrote about last November in “Why Digital Retail Is Like the Autonomous Vehicle.”

The inspiration for that blog entry was a poll of 2,001 U.S. consumers The Harris Poll conducted in February 2019 on behalf of Urban Science. Seven out of 10 respondents said they would never buy a vehicle without a dealership, which led Urban Science’s analysts to conclude that younger car buyers still desire the knowledge of a well-trained F&I professional.

The reason is finding the lowest price on some third-party lead site is one thing, but how does that price translate into a monthly finance or lease payment? An F&I manager can definitely help, but so can a digital retailing tool.

Folks, that’s what’s in play right now. There are customers right now wondering how General Motors’ recent financing offer — interest-free financing for 84 months and up to 120 days of deferred payments — means to their payments. I’d bet that’s even true in states where showrooms were forced to close.

Like my wife and I during our first online grocery-shopping experience, car buyers need to learn the process. By the way, that plant-based cookie dough wasn’t half bad.

Gregory Arroyo is the former editor of “F&I and Showroom” and “Auto Dealer Today” magazines. He now serves as senior manager of strategic content for DealerSocket. Email him at [email protected].

This webinar has ended. You may view the recording below.



Session Description:

How is digital retailing working for you in a “contactless” sales season? Has your dealership implemented a digital retailing solution yet, and if so, is it working very well?

DealerSocket joined DealerRefresh on their weekly “RefreshFriday” broadcast on Friday, April 10, to talk about the other side of digital retailing: the operational components that actually make it work. Click below to watch a candid discussion between Judy Greeby (Strategic Growth Manager), Cavan Robinson (Director of Product Marketing), and the DealerRefresh crew on the nuts & bolts of digital retailing.

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Digital Retailing Best Practices Guide

Right now, keeping your customers protected and engaged is more important than ever. If you’re just letting your digital retail solution run on auto-pilot, now is the time to really optimize the process so your dealership can stimulate and sustain consumer demand.

Read about 7 things you can do today to take your digital retail to the next level in our free guide! 

Read More

7 Ways Digital Retailing Can Stimulate Consumer Demand

Now is not the time for a wait-and-see approach, especially if your dealership can offer a digital buying experience to your customers.

    In this guide, we'll cover:
  • How to catch the customer's eye
  • How to get the word out to your customers
  • How to take full advantage of your website
  • How to delight customers on test drives
  • And more...
  • Download Guide

    With threat actors working overtime, DealerSocket’s head of information security offers three tips to keep your dealership’s and your customers’ data protected.

    By Gregory Arroyo

    Greg Tatum has a warning for dealerships everywhere: Cyber threat actors are working overtime. Noting a definite uptick in suspicious activity since COVID-19 hit Europe in late February, he adds:

    “Threat actors are actively searching for new targets through a number of different mediums. Things like social media platforms are a very popular target for information gathering that can be used in an attack.”

    Tatum serves as DealerSocket’s head of information security. He joined DealerSocket nearly four years ago from a security services firm that works with companies in much more sensitive environments than automotive. I’m talking about healthcare and government contractors, sectors that see billions of attacks each year. So, yeah, we have the right guy on the job.

    “DealerSocket spends a considerable amount of effort protecting our customers’ data,” he notes. “It’s part of what we do just to make sure our customers’ customers’ data is protected.”

    Tatum isn’t the only one sounding the alarm. The FBI issued its own warning on March 20, noting that scammers are leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic to steal money, personal information, or both.



    Just last week, the National Automobile Dealers Association reported that attackers are now putting up COVID-19-related websites that prompt visitors to download an application to receive COVID-19 updates. But you don’t need to download the app, as the site installs a malicious binary file as you contemplate whether you should.

    The attack method uses AZORult, software that originated in Russia approximately four years ago to steal data and infect the breached computer with malware.

    Tatum also alerted me to a new phishing campaign that pretends to be from a local hospital notifying recipients that they have been exposed to the Coronavirus and they need to be tested.

    But it’s not just phishing and ransomware attacks. Business email compromise, or BEC, is also on the rise. That’s when a cyberthief breaks into a legitimate corporate email account and impersonates an employee to get the business, its partners, or other employees to send money or sensitive data to the attacker.

    “In this climate we live in today, this is part of business,” Tatum says. “This is part of what we have to deal with as consumers of technology.”

    Tatum, by the way, is available to help. He advises DealerSocket customers to contact their Customer Success Managers to get connected. In the meantime, he offers the following four tips to safeguard your organization and your customers’ data:

    1. Stay Committed to General Security Awareness

    The following is general security etiquette your teams should employ:

    2. Separate Work and Personal Data

    Use company-issued computers and mobile devices for work purposes only. If you don’t have a company-issued device, be sure to check your company’s policies about using personal devices to access your organization’s data or networks.

    Additionally, consider creating separate user accounts. Never use your work email for personal reasons or vice-versa. This segregation helps the company maintain the confidentiality of the data it collects and helps you maintain your privacy.

    3. Secure Your Home Network

    Update your router’s username and password immediately and use a strong, unique password. And never use the same password for your network and your router. Note that most routers ship with default login credentials that are public knowledge.

    4. Don’t Forget About Physical Security

    The comfort of your own home is no reason to forget about physical security. Simple acts like keeping doors locked and not leaving mobile devices unattended in a vehicle are non-technical ways to improve security.

    Gregory Arroyo is the former editor of “F&I and Showroom” and “Auto Dealer Today” magazines. He now serves as senior manager of strategic content for DealerSocket. Email him at [email protected].

    In all great moments of history when everything seemed bleak and that the bad times would never end, they did. The question is, will you be prepared?

    By Patrick Mendoza

    I’m not going to sugarcoat this: The current situation is bad, and it’s going to get worse.

    You’ve heard this a hundred times the past couple of weeks, but these truly are unprecedented times. I’ve never seen such a drop in both the stock market and consumer purchasing, and such a rise in unemployment and concern.

    The fall due to the pandemic all happened very quickly. Just one month ago, the stock market was at record levels, and analysts were predicting new auto sales to remain around the 17 million mark as it has been for the past several years.

    Now, dealerships are closed due to government mandates and have had to furlough large swaths of their sales teams. Sales have fallen off a cliff, and now JP Morgan Chase is predicting auto sales to only reach 10.3 million units this year…10.3 million.

    That’s bad. But you know what, this won’t last forever.

    In all great moments of history when everything seemed bleak and that the bad times would never end, they did. The title of this post is “Hard Times Come Again No More,” which is the name of a sad song the soldiers used to march to in the Civil War. Think about how bad everything seemed then: brother vs. brother, the United States ripped apart with no hope of reconciliation. But guess what, we did, and we were stronger than ever.

    It’s dark now, and, as King George VI said on the eve of World War II, “There may be dark days ahead,” but the industry will be back, and I think it will be back quickly.

    Before long, customers will be back. Showrooms will turn their lights on again, and sales will rise.

    The question is, will you be ready?

    The downtime is your time to make sure you have everything in place for when the good times return. Do you have all of your customers and prospects in your CRM? Are you using a useful data mining tool to help you attract your customers back to your store? After all, it’s cheaper to retain an existing customer than attract a new one. What about your inventory? Are you stocking the most profitable vehicles for your lot?

    Now, more than ever, it is your opportunity to be ready for when the people come back.

    If you haven’t, or if you’re not sure, operators are standing by. It never hurts to call us and see if you’re ready. We’d love to help you.

    Patrick Mendoza serves as director of corp. communications for DealerSocket, Inc. Email him at [email protected].

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